
World Powers



Biba, S. & Wolf, R. (eds.) Europe in an Era of Growing Sino-American Competition: Coping with an Unstable Triangle. Routledge, 2023.

Gstöhl, S. & Larik, J. Special Issue: 'The European Union and the Governance of Contested Global Spaces in an Era of Geopolitics', Journal of European Integration, 45(8), 2023.

Fahey, E. The EU as a Global Digital Actor. Bloomsbury, 2022.

Egan, M., Raube, K., Wouters, J., & Chaisse, J. Contestation and Polarization in Global Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.

Damro, C., Heins, E., and Scott, D. (eds.) European futures: Challenges and crossroads for the European Union of 2050, Routledge, 2021.

Szewczyk, B. Europe’s Grand Strategy. Navigating a New World Order. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

Chaban, N., & Holland, M. Shaping the EU global strategy: Partners and Perceptions. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

Nitoiu, C. and Sus, M. (Eds.) Special Issue: Strategy in EU Foreign PolicyInternational Politics, 56(3), 2019.

Averre, D. and K. Wolczuk The Ukraine Conflict: Security, Identity and Politics in the Wider Europe, Routledge, 2018.

Skolimowska, A. Perceptions of the European Union’s Identity in International Relations, Routledge, 2018.

Voskressesnki, A. D. (2017). Non-Western Theories of International Relations: Conceptualizing World-Regional Studies. Springer Global (Europe-America): Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 


EU Links

EEAS - Canada

Information regarding the EU's relations with Canada.

EEAS - Delegations

List and links to the websites of the 141 EU Delegations around the globe, which since the Lisbon Treaty have been centrally coordinated by the EEAS.

European Commission - DG EuropeAid Development & Cooperation (DEVCO)

The Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world.


Knowledge sharing platform created by the European Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA).


Other Links

SIPRI - Facts on International Relations and Security Trends

SIPRI database covering areas in the field of international relations and security, such as hard facts on armed conflicts and peacekeeping, arms production and trade, military expenditure, armed forces and conventional weapons holding, nuclear weapons, chronology, statistics and other reference data.