


Haba, K. and Holland, M. (eds.). Brexit and After: Perspectives on European Crises and Reconstruction from Asia and Europe (Singapore: Springer), 2021.

Chaban, N., Niemann, A., & Speyer, J. Changing Perceptions of the EU at Times of Brexit: Global Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2021.

Greer, S. & Laible, J. (Eds.). The European Union after Brexit. Manchester University Press, 2020.

Herbst, J. & Lovegrove, S. Brexit and Financial Regulation. Oxford University Press, 2020.

Zyla, B. The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and NATO After Brexit. Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Deschaux-Dutard, D. The French-German Military Cooperation and the Revival of European Defence After Brexit: Between Reality and Political Myth. In C.-A. Baciu & J. Doyle (Eds.), Peace, Security and Defence Cooperation in Post-Brexit Europe: Risks and Opportunities (pp. 53–77). Springer International Publishing, 2019.


Other Links

GOV.UK - the Brexit transition period

Webpage of the UK government providing information for Brexit citizens.

UCL Europe Blog - Brexit

UCL Europe Blog on Brexit.

Brexit: Responses

EU-experts respond to the UK leaving the EU.