Eu Links

High Representative and EEAS / Diplomacy


EEAS - Homepage

The official site of the European External Action Service (EEAS), providing up-to-date foreign policy news as well as links to the various policy areas in which the EEAS works.

EEAS - Organigram

Organogram showing the structure and hierarchy of the civil servants and diplomats making up the EEAS.

EEAS - High Representative / Vice-President

Information on the role, the history of the position and the appointment procedure. The webpage also includes information about former High Representatives.

EEAS - Delegations

List and links to the websites of the 141 EU Delegations around the globe, which since the Lisbon Treaty have been centrally coordinated by the EEAS.

EEAS - EU Special Representatives

Overview of the 11 EU Special Representatives (EUSRs); which parts of the world they focus on and the roles which they fulfil.

European Commission - Service for Foreign Policy Instruments

This new Commission Service was set up alongside the EEAS and is in charge of a.o. the implementation of the Instrument for Stability. 

European Court of Auditors

The ECA carries out the audit of EU finances. Through its audits the ECA assesses whether the collection and spending of EU funds have been properly recorded and disclosed, legally and regularly executed, and managed so as to ensure economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The ECA often produces critical reports and opinions, such as one on the EEAS of June 2014.