EU Links

Health and Demography


Eurostat - Health in the European Union: facts and figures

Page of Eurostat providing info on health in the EU.

DG Health and Food Safety - International Cooperation

Information on international co-operation on health.

DG Health - Public Health

Information and news on European policies towards public health, provided by the EU's Directorate-General for Health and Food safety.

European Commission - EU coordination on drugs policy on Drugs

Overview of the EU's policy on drugs including strategies, international cooperation, involved agencies, financial programmes and related documents.

European Parliament - Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Homepage of the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

EUR-lex: Summaries of EU legislation on health

Overview of existing EU legislation in the field of public health.

Observatoire Social Européen - Health care

The Observatoire conducts research into the social implications of European integration, including the impact on national health care systems.