General - Actors

EU Links


European Union - Who is who?

Provides contact information on EU officials.

European Commission: General Report – Activities of the European Union

The General Report published by the European Commission gives an account of the EU's major initiatives and achievements of the past year.

European Commission - How the European Union works

Guide on how decisions are taken at EU level and who takes those decisions.

Access to the basic legal texts on which the European Union and the European Communities are founded: the founding Treaties (original versions and later updatings), the amending Treaties, the Accession Treaties for each of the six enlargements, plus other essential documents.


European Commission service monitoring public opinion in the Member States. The surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship: enlargement, social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defence, etc.


The official YouTube channel of the European Union, offering video updates and interviews on European developments.

European Council - Infographics

Infographics of the European Council discussing several EU related topics.